Singing Guide: Peter Pan Live!

Singing Guide: Peter Pan Live!

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're trying to learn how to sing like Peter Pan from the NBC's live performance of Peter Pan Live!, there are a couple of things you need to focus on. Peter's voice has a playful, youthful quality that is essential to the character, along with an almost boyish tone. Additionally, Peter's songs require a lot of energy and enthusiasm to sing well.

One of the most critical aspects of Peter's voice is his bright, forward placement. There are a lot of vocal twangs and "ping" sounds, which add to Peter's youthful and playful character. Twang is a resonance sound that is often used in rock singing. If you want to learn more about it, you can find an exercise video here that explains how to produce twang.

Another critical aspect of Peter's voice is the use of mixed voice when transitioning through his registers, especially when he moves from chest voice to head voice. If you want to learn more about voice registers, you can check out this Singing Carrots article for a detailed explanation.

To help you improve your singing skills, the Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game is perfect for practicing your pitch accuracy, vocal agility, and range. You can also use the Vocal range test and Search songs by vocal range on Singing Carrots to find songs that match your vocal range and challenge your abilities.

In summary, to sing like Peter Pan, you should focus on developing a bright, forward placement, using mixed voice when transitioning between registers, and channeling your inner child for the energetic and enthusiastic delivery required. And don't forget to practice with Singing Carrots resources to improve your overall singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.